An affordable domestic water purification unit for Iron and Arsenic removal
Iron and turbidity removal by physical filtration (Developed by CSIR-immt). Arsenic removal by adsorption. The product included one raw water storage tank, one treated water storage tank kept on a stand along with purification cartridges. Material of construction is SS304. Food grade polypropylene is used for plastic components. Capacity is 11 L + 11 L. Mode of operation is Manual pouring of water, and gravity flow to treated water tank. No electricity required for operation. Rate of filtration is 8 L/hr at 260 mm water head.
High Flow Water Supply Scheme based Water Treatment Plant for Iron and Fluoride removal
About AMRIT TECHNOLOGY FOR Fluoride removal
With the advent of nanotechnology, it is possible to address contaminants such as fluoride at affordable cost. AMRIT delivers drinking water below 1 ppm. The composition for arsenic removal is composed of nanoscale metal oxyhydroxide. Particle size below a critical limit increases the number of surface atoms substantially leading to higher surface energy. An important aspect is to ensure that such nanoparticles are strongly anchored onto solid surfaces so as to make sure that they don’t leach into water and adsorbed fluoride doesn’t get released from the composition. The composition can handle up to an input load of 10 ppm of fluoride. Composition is at least 5-6 times more efficient than most competitive adsorbent available currently. Since the contact time required for removal is fairly low, the composition used is granular in nature, thereby offering negligible pressure drop. This helps from several aspects: treatment cost reduces, filtration unit becomes smaller, can operate with minimum pressure and easily maintainable by local community and at the end reduces sludge quantity.
The technology for iron removal, developed at IIT Madras removes the colloidal particles of Fe(OH)3 through adsorption, instead of filtration. It is capable of removing colloidal iron in all size ranges. the composition can handle any concentration of colloidal iron, even reaching up to 50 ppm. The composition can remove iron from water without requiring frequent backwash. Composition offers extremely high adsorption kinetics, thereby requiring minimal contact time for iron removal. This helps from several aspects: treatment cost reduces, filtration unit becomes smaller, filtration unit can be operated with minimum pressure and maintenance.
The purpose of the oxidation unit is to provide pre-treatment by mixing of compressed air with influent water. Air flow to water flow is counter current type. Oxidation unit has provision for an air vent valve, so that a passage is provided for air to exist the vessel. Material of construction used for the oxidation unit is mild steel
Polisher unit based on pressure vessel design, the purpose is to provide a requisite depth of improving the taste of the water (as the source of the water is groundwater). Material of construction used for the polishing unit is mild steel
Backwash water treatment unit is provided to collect the backwash water from all the vessels. Backwash water is filtered through sand, gravel, and pebble bed by gravity. The clear water is used for gardening purpose. This treatment unit is provided to ensure that fine particles in raw water which are retained on our pre-filter, is backwashed and retained in the backwash treatment unit. The safe disposal of the backwash water is critical for maintaining the underground water quality.